What does pumpernickel bread (a great source of fiber) have to do with the devil, Santa Claus and flatulence? More than you’d think actually.
Imagination and the Value of Storytelling
As homo narrans, or ‘Storytelling People’, fiction and fantasy are like sandboxes for ideas. Our imaginations transform us in sub-creators.
It’s Not the World’s Fault You Wanted to Be an Artist
Being an artist is a choice and luxury. As Werner Herzog says, “it’s certainly not the world’s obligation to pay for your dreams.”
All Art Is Rhetoric
In college, my art history professor’s motto for the course was “all art is propaganda”, but I think ‘rhetoric’ is a better word. All art is rhetoric.
Words I Often Confuse
Words include: eulogy, effigy, epithet, epigram, epigraph and epitaph.
Make Your Writing ‘Irresistibly Concise’
In the documentary ‘Life, the Universe and Douglas Adams’, Adams offers one of the best editors notes I’ve ever heard: Be “irresistibly concise”.