The Pictorial Webster’s is a masters class on bookmaking and proof that when we imprint our lives on books, they warp to our humanity.
Beautiful Books: Jamie Keenan’s ‘Lolita’
How do you design a cover for a book about a 12-year-old forced to wander the country and provide sexual companionship for a Frenchman in this 30s?
Etymology of ‘Nice’
‘Nice’ is a compliment we throw at people we don’t know how to describe otherwise. But did you know it comes from French meaning ‘weak, needy and stupid’?
Do College the Right Way
All those fresh-faced high school graduates are eager to start the college experience, but here are a few things to consider before applying.
Chaucer, Kugel and April Fools’ Day
Ever wonder how Chaucer invented April Fools’ Day and how a Boston University professor pranked the entire country?
Etymology of ‘Sperm Whale’
Ever wonder how sperm whales got their unfortunate name? And what about Moby Dick? Well, it’s exactly what you think…
How to Write Better Personal Statements
A crucial part of any application is the personal statement. Here’s how to write one: think like an interviewer, be specific and know where you’re applying!
Irregardless Dictionary of Nonwords (entry #2)
Nonwords include: afterwaft, biget, buttaful, claustrophobia, doppeldangler, evesdrop and jovenistic.
Etymology of ‘Mamase Mamasa Mamakusa’
What do the Michael Jackson lyrics “mamase mamasa mamakusa” and Cameroonian jazz have to do with each other? Not much except a song called “Soul Makossa”.
How to Pronounce ‘#’
Have you ever wondered how to pronounce ‘#’? Whether you say ‘pound sign’, number sign’, ‘hashtag’ or ‘octothorpe’ the history is a wild ride!