A helpful guide for distinguishing “octopus” and other related words.
Category: Nonsense
Dryer Sheet Style Guide for the Natty Young Gentleman
Every style-conscious young gentleman should learn the proper employment of a dryer sheet.
Irregardless Dictionary of Nonwords (entry #3)
Nonwords include: anakronphobia, babelnym, like, porange, scatagories, scuttlebutt and sthlee.
Irregardless Dictionary of Nonwords (entry #2)
Nonwords include: afterwaft, biget, buttaful, claustrophobia, doppeldangler, evesdrop and jovenistic.
Irregardless Dictionary of Nonwords (entry #1)
Nonwords include: cuticles, elemeno, mollycoddle, octopieces, scrooth, titular and zanzibar.
Words I Often Confuse
Words include: eulogy, effigy, epithet, epigram, epigraph and epitaph.